I'm Luyolo Barney Lengisi Hawule. My clan name is MYirha from
Ngcobo and i grew here at Cape Town around Langa. I am inspired
by the teachings of Malcolm X, Robert Sobukhwe and Steve Biko.
I've performed at United States of America, Makukhanye Art Room,
Black Moses, Kasi RC, Gugasthebe, Mandela Gateway to Robben
Island, Waterfront V&A amphitheatre, Hermanus, Paarl, Robertson,
Worcester, Kraaifontein, Khayelitsha, Iziko Museum, Rainbow
Academy and to many different schools, Performed for Malema and
other MPs. I've worked with #Emthonjeni Arts Production,
Lovelife, Hands For A Bridge, Young Achievers, Langa Arts
Association, Inzima, Mvuliyezisa,Cofamankaza,Banzi Tema and many
artists and I've shared stages with Lebu Skgobela, The Soil
member. My journey started long time ago as an Activist I've
been involved in many organisations that using different
Artforms to address social ills, my dream us to create a free
space for everyone and create the unity by restoring the values
and principles of of Humanity by breaking/ destroying the
boarders that have divided us. I wanna build a nation instead of
building Rainbow nation. What I want to be I am now becoming.
I'm a co-founder of #LangaForMen,motivator, playwright,
Poet,writer,Motivator, Feminist, Activist,
leader π π± β₯ π β π Aluta Continua!
Siyabonga grew up in a township called Langa in Cape Town, he
was raised by a young vivacious single parent, mother. Siyabonga
being the only child never really knew what it meant to be a
kid. Since the adults around him were overly protective, he
didn't learn how to really relate well with other kids.
Growing up Siyabonga felt accustomed to the company of his
single mother. He was always more matured than other children
even when he gained friends he always enjoyed the company of his
mother. Siyabonga's mother always invested alot in him-this
encouraged him to excel in everything he does including his
subjects in primary school and in high school.
Siyabonga never really realized the concept of self-awareness
growing up until years later. While Siyabonga was in High school
he started to feel the pressure of his late mother and family's
expectations. Gradually he stopped everything he was doing and
focused more on his books which made him achieve an outstanding
beautiful Bachelor's pass.
On this year Siyabonga graduated on top of his class, although
he wasn't a valedictorian looking back Siyabonga believes he
would've done better.
Late 2018 Siyabonga believes all doors opened for him. In 2018
Siyabonga was introduced and exposed to the modeling industry by
Lushawn Yaso. Lushawn saw a great potential in him, he forced
him to excel in the modeling industry. This was the birth of
everything great for Siyabonga.
Throughout his modeling career, in 2019 Siyabonga ventured to
other parts of the industry. He started doing runway modeling,
high fashion modeling and other related services. In middle 2019
Siyabonga reached a climax in his career where he founded a very
successful organization named "Helping Hands". This organization
aimed at helping individuals who are previously disadvantaged
and can not afford certain things for them. In here Siyabonga
stepped in and did the very best to eradicate this in his
society. Till today he is recognized for his beautiful gesture
in his society. After the peak of this organization, another
gargantuan organization #LangaForMen was co-founded by him
alongside his partner. The aim of this organization was to raise
awareness in the society about these gross gender based violence
faced by women and children everyday. This organization made a
mark in the township as everyone is now cognizant of their aims
and objectives. In here Siyabonga and his partner made few
appearances on huge social media platforms and the internet.
They were interviewed by few journalists and broke the internet.
With no doubt this has been the most popular experience they
have ever experienced.
Today Siyabonga considers himself a Human Rights Activist
because of his beautiful work regarding the human rights in his
society and also considers himself a feminist because he
advocates for equal treatment of women in the society. Siyabonga
Khusela has enormous plans to achieve, to be the best he could
ever be, branch deeper in his organizations and becoming the
best and well mannered model in his modeling agency.